I first saw Darcey's LF when my mentor Danielle was called in to help with the persistent crack that had been plaguing this sweet mare for 2 years. We had intended for me to ride along that day but our schedules just didn't line up. She pulled her shoes, trimmed according to the radiographs and applied Versa Grip Glues with DIM to help her out during the rehab process.

Darcey's owner lives outside of the area Danielle normally covers, whereas I travel longer distances, so I took over Darcey's hoof care when she was due for her first reset. Her owner and I were amazed by the changes in her feet in just one cycle in the composites. After I gave her a trim and prepped her feet for glueing with the grinder, that crack was almost gone.
Darcey had one more cycle in the composites that I applied and is now comfortable barefoot for the first time in years. Even better, she now "volunteers" for her trim and chooses to visit with me at liberty afterward. She had previously been so painful that she resisted being brought up for the farrier and had to be sedated for shoeing. This has been such a cool case to work on and I am so thankful to have a colleague and mentor like Danielle who recognizes that by sharing knowledge and working together we can help more horses than we ever could individually. And that's really what it's all about.